Tees Inspired by Neil Gaiman's Short Story
Black Phoenix is proud to present a 15-month scent and art series based on Neil Gaiman's short story, "15 Painted Cards from a Vampire Tarot."
Each month, Black Phoenix Trading Post will be adding a new t-shirt featuring Madame Talbot's breathtaking artwork for Neil Gaiman's 15 Painted Cards From a Vampire Tarot. These tees correspond with the Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab tarot cards and perfume oils.
This is a charitable, not-for-profit venture: proceeds from every single set and tee go to the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund, which works to preserve the First Amendment rights of the comic community.
Neil Gaiman
The Comic Book Legal Defense Fund
Madame Talbot's Victorian Lowbrow
BLACK PHOENIX ALCHEMY LAB, BPAL, IMP'S EARS, A LITTLE LUNACY, CARNAVAL DIABOLIQUE and all oil names are trademarks of the Black Phoenix Partnership. Artwork on this page by Madame Talbot. All characters, locations, and scent descriptions within the 15 Painted Cards From a Vampire Tarot series are the intellectual property of Neil Gaiman, and are used here with his permission. All rights reserved.